Subdued, double kigo, shasei too~
Narayanan Raghunathan Thu, Sep 5th 2013, 07:11  
This haiku is special because it is verb free: but we are invited to fill up the activities! In some aesthetic sense the haiku treads on dangerous terrains! Some may accuse it of being a "shopping list' type of Haiku! I would insist otherwise and asseverate that this one is a rare inspired haiku, where the "shopping-listness" is surpassed by, aesthetic coherence and holistically inspired structure and the deep sentience of the shasei moment.

Ant is a summer kigo and butterflies are spring kigo ~ With the bird songs we may roughly surmise it is the time of transition between spring and summer! Well! Endless these possibilities and neo aesthetic meanderings! We are the seamless endless reflections on the Heraclitian River of Eternal Becoming ~
Narayanan Raghunathan Thu, Sep 5th 2013, 08:59  
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